Playing hide & seek behind the tv!

Playing hide & seek behind the tv!

Friday, 2 July 2010

D-Day Dawns!

Well after weeks of silence, I feel its time for another post. Not been doing too much really, same as usual, glued to sofa, not able to move, watching belly grow and move and hoping the weeks whiz by! Well whiz by they did! I cannot believe that I am 36 weeks 2 days today and tomorrow I am being induced!

Saw my consultant yesterday and was checked over. Shocked to find out that I'm already 3 cm dilated. I have been getting some pains for the last few days, but as this whole pregnancy has been quite painful, I just put it down to "one of those things when carrying twins" - little did I know that the boys are preparing to enter the world!

So my consultant has booked me in for Saturday 3rd July to be induced, unless things happen before, and I've been sent home to sit and play the waiting game. Had a really rough night last night and feeling knackered today. Wondering where I'm going to find the strentgh and energy for tomorrow's delivery. Funny thing is that as I write this, I'm not feeling any fear, or nerves or even excitement - think I may still be in denial that it's happening. I am a little worried, as the consultant did say we will have to stay in hospital for a few days as the twins will be early and may need a little help. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers - the next time I will update this blog, I will have my boys cradled in my arms insallah.

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